We are all spiritual beings having a human experience.

For me, spirituality should not be intimidating, and it is something that I hope inspires you to integrate into your life. Everyone’s path is unique to them and simply by existing as a human is your own spiritual experience in itself.

What spirituality means to me

How did I get into spirituality? Well, it began many moons ago. When I was 8 years old, my Bubby, aka my Grandmother introduced me to the power of Reiki, an energy healing modality. She is the reason that I am on this path. I was crystal shopping as a child before they became trendy and collecting different stones helped me through various stages in my life. Since high school, I have been getting Chakra energy-clearing sessions, and I was always looking for ways to handle my stress throughout college. These modalities remain part of my spiritual toolbox throughout all of the different experiences in my life.  Read more about my spiritual journey.

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience, and our job is to honor our unique path. It is about honoring where you are and aligning with what feels true to you and your soul. My intention is to help you find time in your schedule to be more grounded, build a strong spiritual practice, and find your guide within.

Whether you’re a fellow Soulpreneur looking for practical tools to bring healing and growth into your daily life. Or working a 9-5 looking to create a spiritual practice and find more balance. My offerings will give you the practical tools to bring healing and growth to your daily life.

The Guide.

A conscious blog for all things spiritual health + holistic wellth.