How To Work With Mercury Retrograde

Ahh the dreaded Mercury RX, which happens about 4x a year for about 2 months each time. This energy, which appears that the planet of communication, Mercury is going backward, has become a mainstream term for blaming all of your problems on the planets. Here’s a tough pill to swallow, it’s not causing your problems, they already exist without this “tumultuous” time. Yes, it does affect us all, but it’s also a really necessary time and actually a blessing in disguise. Retrogrades happen to all planets, but the one with the most attention is definitely Mercury. Known for creating chaos around travel, plans, technology, and communication, it’s good to be prepared accordingly with the energy. With every retrograde comes a pre and post shadow, which IMO is just as bad if not worse than the actual retrograde itself, which lasts for 3 weeks, and the shadows lasting about 2 weeks before and after.

During the shadow, we can start to feel the effects of the retrograde starting to take place and this is your quo to start slowing down and working with the energy. Mercury is actually a great time for going inward and slowing down. Because things tend to “go wrong” during this time, it’s best not to plan or start anything new if avoidable. It’s more of a time of reflection, reassessing, and refining your brand message and how you are sharing your gifts with the world. I love to take this time to look at old projects from a new perspective. I often catch things that I had not noticed previously or I think of a new way to communicate my ideas. I actually worked on my rebrand during the last retrograde and it allowed me to look at my story with a new set of eyes. I did not launch it until after the retrograde ended, but it was very introspective for me. Here are some ways to work with the energy and embrace this time.

  1. Focus on all things REs: REflect, REnew, REthink, REdiscover. Rather than doing focus on being. Being present, being patient, and being aware of your communication and your message. It’s not the time to start something new, but rather to REflect on past projects. Since communication can be “off” it’s not ideal to sign new contracts or start new projects. Take time to reflect on past relationships as well, don’t be caught off guard if an ex-partner or friend suddenly comes back into your life. Remember to really reassess if this relationship is actually serving you, *hint - it’s not the time to jump back into anything. REnew and REdiscover your messaging and your brand. Since Mercury rules communication, it’s important to focus on your throat chakra. Listen to others and think before speaking, listen to your inner voice and what it is saying, listen to things from a new perspective that you may not have heard before.

  2. Be prepared, stay in the flow: Mercury can also affect technology and travel, so be prepared for delays and back up your tech/anything important. It’s a good time to make sure your phone has been backed up in the cloud or saved on an external drive. If you are signing any new contracts be sure to triple-check everything and read the fine print. Expect travel delays and prepare by giving yourself more time to get to important meetings or appointments. While preparing is important, staying in the flow and surrendering is just as crucial. It allows us to lean into our energy, triggers, and shadows so that we can work through them. Often, things out of our control or causing us stress are linked to past wounds. These are mini reminders of pain and it causes us to react out of fear and judgment. These moments of surrendering allow us to feel our emotions, see our triggers and learn to soften into them. When we work through these, we unblock and become more aligned with our authentic selves that we are all worthy of being.

  3. Work WITH the energy, not against it: remember to find moments of self-care. Do things that make you feel good and feel grounded such as taking a cleansing bath, using crystals that support the energy, expressing yourself creatively, and taking good care of your spiritual hygiene. I love taking weekly spiritual baths, which are a time for connecting with my energy and having an intention of releasing whatever energy I am holding onto. I use bath salt to help detox and release toxins and relax my body. I set the mood with my favorite candles and add my favorite crystals to the water. I put my phone on DND and I play healing Hz that helps to calm the mind and release fear, doubt, and balance your chakras. Some of my favorite crystals to use for this energy are grounding and protecting stones. Selenite is one of my favorites for cleansing negative energy, I use a mini wand for on-the-go and a larger wand for waving over my chakras when I need a quick energy cleanse. Hematite is a great crystal for grounding and protection, it’s also a grey color to represent the energy of the planet Mercury. I carry this one in my purse when I am out during this time and set the intention of removing anything that is not for my highest good. Amethyst is great for helping with stress and overall calming the mind. It helps us tap more into our intuition so we can listen to our higher self needs. Finally, lapis lazuli is great for balancing the throat chakra, which can often be overactive or blocked during this time. Since Mercury is connected to our voice and message, this crystal helps us to speak from a place of authenticity and intention.

    Finally, don’t live in fear. This time can cause a lot of fear, anxiety, and overall “off” energy. And while it’s fun to blame our problems on the planets, it’s also not ideal or conducive. We may not always be in control, but we are in control of how we handle situations. This time may test us, but it will not break us. Through hard times, we can surrender and lean into more stillness. Sometimes, the greatest lessons and gifts come from softening and slowing down.


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